So last night was the deanery pre-convention meeting. So the majority of our meeting was dedicated to Diocesan Convention. This year we have all of two resolutions! I assume there will be late resolutions submitted on the floor, but you just never know.
One of the resolutions - resolution 2 - I like. It is called "Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development." The basics of the resolution are to help congregations become "Greener". As a group we thought that one amendment should be made, but other than that it was good.
The other resolution is another story. Resolution 1 is titled "Statement on Same-Sex Relationships." When someone asked the question "Does anyone here like this resolution?" No one spoke up. It is a poorly written resolution, with was to many resolves, that doesn't actually do anything. I also have a problem with it in that is does not completely follow the proper format by not having an explanation. But, basically it says on the issue of Same-Sex Relationships is a difficult and complex one, and we do not - at this time - agree on it. Therefore, we should respect each others differences, pray that "the grace of God, the love of Christ and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may guide us as we seek to discern our Creator's will, both on these issues and in all endeavors of our life," and offer love and support to those who must leave us. So basically this resolution is calling us to pray and act like adults. As a group we talked very briefly on a substitute resolution, but I don't think I would agree with that either. The other problem with this resolution is the code language sure to get at Bishop Wolf. "We urge our fellow servants who hold titles of authority within this diocese to be mindful of the diverse perspectives in our ranks and to not publicly imply that the people of the diocese hold a single position on any of the issues regarding same-sex relationships." There is been a lot of talk about people's unhappiness with the Bishop and how she "speaks for the whole diocese" (Every time I've heard her speaks I feel as though she has always been very clear that she does not speak for all of us). However this resolution is trying to speak for the whole diocese.
My biggest problem with this resolution is that I believe - on this and all issues - that we should be making decisions as a whole group and have the consequences of those decisions place on one group of people. In other words we shouldn't as a whole be telling one group of people what to do. At General Convention the national church did this with resolution B033. They basically said that while we as a church made the decision to consecrate Gene Robinson to the episcopate we are going to have the gay and lesbian people bear the burden of our actions. At a post convention meeting I thought General Convention Deputy Rev'd William Locke said it best. He said (and I don't remember his exact words) I couldn't vote for something that was going to put the burden on "them" when we all made the choice. If we - as a Diocese - are going to put forth a resolution on Same-Sex anything we need to have our own "listening process" we need to invite liberals and conservatives and LGBT people to come together. The LGBT community is not a scape goat of the consequences of the church's actions. I know this resolution isn't any where near B033, but seeing this resolution makes me a little nervous. Resolutions like B033 have to start somewhere.
I know I will not be voting for this resolution as it stands. Last night one good idea for a substitute resolution came up, and I might be able to go for that. All I know is that we should all act like adults and say what we mean, we should continue to pray for guidance in our lives, and actually listen to each other to come up with a reasonable resolution that a) does something and b) doesn't put all the burden on 10% of the people.
Doing the dishes so we can spread the Gospel
6 months ago
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