15 February 2009

Everyone has secrets

This was posted on a blog for a class I'm in at RIC. Being a trans person, watching this video made me cry. Tonight - as is everyday - my prayer and hope is that one day I won't be forced to feel ashamed of who I am because it isn't ok with others. I give thanks for all of you who have been so supportive, my gratitude could never be expressed in words. Just know that I love you.

Thanks for passing this along C. Thanks for the reminder that we're not alone.

1 comment:

  1. Dee,

    I know I can't possibly understand what you face on a day to day basis... but I do know that you never have to face it alone. God is with you, and I know he adores you, just as you are.

    And I do, too, come to think of it.

