So it is the morning of day 3 and I figured that I would give an account of what I've been up to. Last time we met, was my first night here. Remember I told you about the Portland Seadogs games? Anyway . . .
Yesterday I got virtually no sleep. I went to bed at 1 am (Saturday morning) and was up at 3. Two hours of sleep was not enough! At about 5am I went down to the dock. it wasn't very nice out. Cold, raining, yuck! I was going to say morning prayer, but it was raining harder than I would have liked, and I didn't want my prayer book and bible getting all went. So at about 5:30 I walked back up to the house sat on the porch and said morning prayer. Then I hung out with Pam until around 7:30 when John graced us with his presence. We then had coffee and sat on the porch. At around 9:30 we had breakfast and then drove up to the apartment to see how the LaFreniers were doing. Then to the barn to check on the Bowens. Once we had our game plan set. John and I drove into town to reserve the really cool - I think it's called - auger so we can put the fence up on Monday. We came back to Tidewater Way and picked up Pam and the gang. Then we were off to the Granite Mill Store. What an experience! I love that place. I bought some peanuts and a yo-yo. By the time we were done it was time for lunch. MOODY'S DINER!!!! It was just like John had described it. It was really good. Then we went back to the Van Siclens. It had gotten a lot nicer so the kids went down to the river. By this time I was starting to fade form the lack of sleep. So I sat out on the porch for a little while with John trying to get some energy. Turns out all I needed was a little action to get the energy going. John and I started working on the fence. That was fun. Some posts just didn't want to come out so with a little sweat and a lot of determination we got all of the posts and rails down. We went back to the house, I took a shower, and by the time I was back outside the Cappers had arrived. We all had dinner and then went to ice cream. By the time we got back to the house, and cleaned up I was exhausted! So I went to bed really early for me. I think I was asleep by 10:30pm! I finally sleep more than a few hours. I woke up and it was 6:30 this morning. John was up once I got up and we had some coffee, hung out and now I'm writing here.
It's a glourious morning! I was freezing when I got up. I guess I'll have to get used to that! Well it's about that time. Have to go get ready then go to church.
Doing the dishes so we can spread the Gospel
8 months ago