(Please note this picture was not taken in reaction of the Bishop's engagement.)
The word is out, and it is official! The Right Reverend Geralyn Wolf, who next month marks her 11th anniversary as Rhode Island's Episcopal bishop, is getting married. On April 21, 2007 Bishop Wolf will marry Thomas Charles Bair Jr. at the Cathedral of St. John, Providence. For more you can checkout today's (Sunday) providence journal.
But, here is how many in the diocese found out. Yesterday, Januaray 6th, myself and many others from around the diocese gathered at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Providence to celebrate the Ordination of Greg Lisby. After a beautiful luncheon we all entered the hall for a spectacular luncheon. During the lucheon I sat with various clergy and friends that I have gotten to know over the past couple of years. Then as we were about to start have our chocolate cake a group of three clergy came over to our table, and handed one of the priests sitting down a letter from the Bishop. He read the letter and then passed it around. I didn't believe it until I read the letter. I thought it was the most amazing practical joke in the entire world. But, it was confirmed during that lunch that it was not a joke. We were all in complete and total shock. I haven't seen similar facial expressions since it was announced that Katharine Jefferts Schori would be our next Presiding Bishop. Please note that the above picture is not in reaction to the Bishop's engagement, however it depicts the reaction of those of us who found out yesterday. We all began to predict various things for the wedding. As I read the Providence Journal this morning I noticed that many of our predictions came true. She will be wearing a white A-line gown rather than her usual Bishops gard. "I think that on this one day, being a bride is more important that being a bishop," she said. Also, as will not be a shock to many that know the Bishop well, the former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold will be officiating. Bishop Wolf and Bishop Griswold are very good friends. In fact Bishop Griswold even baptized Bishop Wolf many years ago.
However, I am extremely happy for the Bishop and I wish her and her husband-to-be the very best and all of God's blessings.
Pictured above is the Bishop and her husband-to-be Thomas Charles Bair Jr.